Monday, September 12, 2016

A little bit about me

What was I thinking?!

When I was first married I worked for my mother-in-law. She sent me to secretarial school. I earned an associates degree in 1987. After that I took a few classes at the college in our town, then we moved from Louisiana back to the midwest, Indiana. I took a political science class at Ball State in 1991. During finals, I found out I was pregnant with our first and only child.

My husband encouraged me to go back to school but I thought it would be to much, trying to take care of a child and going to school. After all it's not just going to class, it's the countless hours studying. 

I kept saying I'll go back when the time is right. 

Fast forward 24 years. My son has graduated college, and has a job. He's moved out of the house, sniff, sniff. My husband does a lot of traveling. It is not unusual for him to be gone two or three weeks in a month, and then he may be home for a month or two. 

So I guess if the there is a good time it must be now. And here I am back to school. Trying to get an education degree with a minor in reading. 

For sixteen years I was a substitute teacher, then I was hired as a para full time. In case you don't know what a para is, I didn't, it is an individual who works one on one or with several children with disabilities. I worked with children who were in the general education class room. 

The teachers I worked with as well as the principal of the school encouraged me to go back to school and get my degree. They think I would make a good teacher. I think they could be right!

Anyway I am going to try to find out. 

I transferred in with 21 credits. So I am a long way away from graduating. So stick around we are in for a bumpy ride!!


  1. You can do it! You are an inspiration.

  2. You will get through this easily ! You are an awesome person and have helped many children already.
